Registering and Operating a Snowmobile in Wisconsin

Did you know the rules for registering and operating a snowmobile in Wisconsin have changed?

Effective July 1, 2015, snowmobile registration will cost $30 for a three-year registration. This is an increase in the length of registration which, prior to July 1, 2015, is $30 for a two-year registration.

Wisconsin-Snowmobile-Trail-PassAlso effective July 1, 2015, all snowmobiles operating in Wisconsin will be required to display a Wisconsin Trail Pass for the current year. This is purchased separately from your snowmobile registration.

The annual Wisconsin Trail Pass has a two-tiered fee structure:

  • Members of an AWSC-recognized snowmobile club can purchase a Wisconsin Trail Pass for $10 per sled. All of the snowmobile clubs in the Kenosha County Snowmobile Alliance are AWSC recognized.
  • Snowmobile owners who do not belong to an AWSC-recognized snowmobile club can purchase a Wisconsin Trail Pass for $30 per sled.

Non-residents also are required to display a Wisconsin Trail Pass. Effective July 1, 2015, the fee for non-residents is $50 per year. However, non-residents can purchase a discounted Wisconsin Trail Pass if their snowmobiles are registered in Wisconsin and they belong to an AWSC-recognized snowmobile club.

Revenue generated from the sale of snowmobile registrations and Wisconsin Trail Pass purchases will be deposited into the state snowmobile segregated fund, which is used to pay snowmobile clubs to maintain and develop snowmobile trails.

Trail-sign-maintained-by-volunteersWisconsin snowmobile trails are made possible by snowmobile club members who volunteer to provide labor to clear brush, install signs and markers, and groom the trails, along with the landowners who allow trails to cross their property.

In Kenosha County, the member volunteers of the five active snowmobiling clubs work together to create and maintain 200 miles of state-funded and club-managed snowmobile trails throughout the county.

Learn more about our six AWSC-recognized clubs and join an organization that can help you save money on your trail pass and bring you together with other like-minded snowmobiling enthusiasts.