Brighton Ghost Riders

The Brighton Ghost Riders Inc. was formed in 1972. A nine-member board of directors was formed to make decisions and to elect the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and delegates. The club was formed to promote snowmobiling, to educate members on safe use and to educate the public and government officials on using public land for a trail system. At that time, an individual seeking membership needed to be nominated by a current member and then approved by two-thirds of the current members. Club membership was limited to 25 families.

The Brighton Ghost Riders have changed the rules over the years. We no longer have a board of directors; instead, the officers and members make the decisions. We still try to educate our members about the safe use of snowmobiles and respecting the landowners’ property.

We currently have 11 families as members and we have no longer have a club membership limit. We welcome all people who would like to join our club.

Meeting: Contact Randy or Dennis

Want more information?
Call President Randy Greenstreet at 262 705-7503 or Treasurer Dennis Hogan 262 537-2879.