Bylaws of Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs Inc.

Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc.


Approved January 10, 2024

ARTICLE I Purpose and Name

Section I The name of the organization shall be the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc., and shall be referred to as “the Alliance” or “the Organization” within this document.

Section II The purpose of the Alliance is as follows:

  1. To form a common bond between Kenosha County snowmobile clubs through better communications
  2. Influence local and state laws and ordinances for the benefit and protection of all county residents.
  3. Work towards the development of snowmobile trails and other use areas
  4. Promote the safe and responsible operation of snowmobiling through safety courses and public awareness programs.
  5. Actively participate in programs administrated through the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement and fire/rescue organizations within and surrounding Kenosha County.
  6. Work towards self-policing of snowmobile operators.
  7. Preservation of our natural resources.

ARTICLE II Membership

Section 1 Membership in the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc. shall be available to any snowmobile club in Kenosha or adjoining counties clubs who are recognized and belong to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC).  Each club shall be represented by three (3) delegates and two (2) alternates.  The alternates may attend any regular or special meeting along with the delegate but may only vote in the absence of one or more of the regular delegates.  Delegates and alternates names  and contact information must be confirmed to the Secretary prior to, or at the September Alliance meeting, or at other times as designated by club bylaws to determine delegates and alternates.

Section II Regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month September through April.  Location of meetings will be determined by the officers of the organization.

 Section III Special meetings of the members, for any purpose, may be called by the President or by majority of the members entitled to a vote at the meeting. Written notices of the place, time, date and the purpose of the special meeting is communicated to members at least one week prior to that meeting through email or in such manner as the officers shall designate.

Section IV The Alliance shall not discriminate membership due to national origin, race, color, gender or sexual orientation.


Section I Elections will take place annually at the February membership meeting. Nominations will be taken at the January meeting or from the floor at the election in February.

Section II  The officers of the organization shall be elected for  two (2) year terms commencing at the March meeting of each year.  Each officer shall hold office until his or her successor has been duly elected, or until his or her death or resignation.  All officers may hold the same office for two consecutive terms.  They may return to that office after a one term break from that position unless no nominations are presented, they may succeed themselves for an additional term.

At the time that a delegate becomes an officer of the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, an alternate from his or her club shall become a delegate to the Alliance.  That club must then elect another alternate to the Alliance.  Officers of the Alliance shall not cast vote on any motion or election unless there is a tie vote of the delegates present.  All officers, other than President or another officer presiding over the meeting, may make motions or nominations during a meeting. If there is a tie vote of delegates, the officers excluding the President will vote.  The President will cast a vote in the event of a tie of the officer’s vote.

Section III A majority of cast votes by delegates present at an Alliance meeting shall be decisive of the election.  Each club will have no more than three (3) votes.  These may be cast either by delegates or alternates as described in Article II, Section 1.  The delegate or alternate must be present at the meeting to cast his or her vote.

Section IV Newly elected officers will take office at the March meeting following the election.

Section V Any vacancy occurring among the officers, including a vacancy created by inactivity, may be filled until the next election (annual) by appointment by the President subject to confirmation by the affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates.

ARTICLE IV Management

Section I The officers of the Organization shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary,  Media Manager, Treasurer, AWSC Membership Representative, and the AWSC Director. All officers must belong to one of the snowmobile clubs who belong to the Alliance. All seven (7) officers shall preside at   all meetings

Section II The business and affairs of the Organization shall be managed by its officers and delegates. Decisions will be based on a majority of votes of the delegates in attendance.

Section III An annual assessment (dues) shall be established  by the Organization for every club belonging to the Alliance and will be due by the March meeting.

Section IV  The President shall be the principle executive officer of the corporation and shall supervise and control all the business and affairs of the corporation.  The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the delegates.   The President shall have the authority to appoint such agents and representatives of the Organization as shall be deemed necessary and to delegate authority to them.  The President shall have the authority to sign all documents on behalf of the organization in the course of its regular business and he may authorize any Vice President or any officer or agent of the corporation to sign such other documents in his place.

Section V In the absence of the President, or in the event of his or her death or inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.

Section VI The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Keep the minutes of the meetings of the membership.
  2. Be custodian of the records of the corporation.
  3. In general, perform all the duties, as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the President or the delegates.
  4. Keep a register of the mailing address, phone number and email of each member of this corporation.

Section VII The Media Manager shall:

  1. See that all notices are provided to members as required.
  2. Manage all digital media pertaining to the Alliance and other media as prescribed.

Section VIII  The Treasurer shall:

  1. Have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the Organization;
  2. Receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the Organization from all sources and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in such banks or other depositaries as shall be selected by the officers;
  3. Make expenditures and sign all checks.
  4. Provide a Treasurers report at each meeting.
  5. Participate in an annual audit of the books

Section IX  The AWSC Director and AWSC Membership Representative shall attend the AWSC meetings and report back to the Alliance any and all information that is important to snowmobiling and the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs.

Section X There shall be committees within the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs.  They will have a Chairman and members as appointed by the President as they are needed.  These committees and their duties are as follows:

  1. Trail Committee – To work with the Snowmobile Clubs, Kenosha County Parks Department, and the Department of Natural Resources in the development of trails.
  2. Groomer Committee – Shall work in conjunction with the trail Committee Chair and Trail Chair from each club.
  3. Auditing and Fund Raising Committee – To determine the financial needs of the Alliance and to counsel various fund raising committees. In event of a fundraising activity, they shall assist in the collecting, accounting and disbursement of funds under the supervision of the Treasurer.  Audit the organization’s financial books at the end of the fiscal year or at any time the President deems necessary.
  4. Laws and Ordinance – To work with all Law Enforcement Agencies and local municipalities to promote safe and responsible snowmobiling. Have knowledge of existing and new laws and keep the Alliance informed.

Section XI  The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and Parks Department and AWSC may have a representative attending all regular meetings of the Alliance.  They will enjoy all the privileges of the delegates, except the right to vote.

Section XII: The officers of the Alliance may employ whatever personnel they deem necessary and for which funds are available, to aid in the management of the organization and may authorize the expenditure of funds in any other manner in the proper furtherance of the purposes of the Alliance including paying insurance bills throughout the summer, and other time sensitive expenditures.

Section XIII:  The Alliance officers will obtain approval from the general membership when spending is greater than $500.  This will be approved by a majority vote at the meeting prior to spending. When spending is less than $500, the officers will have discretion to spend with a majority vote of the officers.  Officer’s approval may be done via email. If the officer does not respond to the first email, a follow up email will be sent.  If no response after the second email within one week, the vote will be assumed to be affirmative.

Section XIV: Business Continuity

In order to assure the Kenosha County Snowmobile Alliance can continue to operate in the event of someone leaving the organization who has critical access to the following, we will have contingencies in place.  All systems requiring administrative access shall have at least two individuals with that access level. Minimum requirements are:

  • Banking account numbers and passwords
  • Social Media and Website administrator access
  • Land Owner/Trail Information
  • Minutes: Kept in off-site digital storage medium
  • Treasurer Reports: off-site digital storage medium


Upon termination or dissolution of the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc, any assets lawfully available for distribution shall be distributed to one (1) or more qualifying organizations described in Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or described in any corresponding provision of any successor statute) which organization or organizations have a charitable purpose which, at least generally, includes a purpose similar to the terminating or dissolving corporation.

The organization to receive the assets of the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc hereunder shall be selected by the discretion of a majority of the managing body of the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc,


These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed, and new By-Laws may be adopted, by a simple majority vote of the delegates to the Alliance at any regular meeting.